Meet the Therapist
Offering 20 years of experience providing sleep consultation, holistic, sensory integration, developmental, and aquatic occupational therapy. Locations include a variety of settings including clinics, schools, group homes, foster care and home care, private practice with children and adults. I am looking forward to working with you!

I have been an occupational therapist since I graduated with an occupational therapy degree from the College of Saint Catherine. I minored in psychology. I have advanced training in therapeutic listening (listening with the whole body), myofascial release, the Wilbarger touch pressure protocol, sensory integration therapy, family Dynamics, typical and atypical development, the nurtured heart approach, oral motor techniques (Deborah Beckman techniques), aquatic therapy techniques, massage, music training and more.
I left home-care for an outpatient pediatric clinic. I worked there for 3 years and began working in the water during this time. I serviced every medical diagnosis possible in this clinic and the age range was birth to 25. It was then I realized that I wanted to own my own business and I also wanted to work in the water. I started working with two clients doing occupational therapy in the water. These children were the first in Hennepin county to access the waiver program. This grew my business very quickly and I was soon part-time. However, I wanted to get a full picture of aware I would be servicing clients, so I worked for two years at Saint Paul public schools. My business grew into a full-time position as I’ve been working solely for my Independent business since. I decided to specialize in sleep after I experienced significant sleep disorders with my first son. I’ve been doing sleep consultation since 2006.
My business keeps evolving to the needs of my clients and the needs of my family. I hope to be a good fit and working with you.
As an occupational therapist in the state of Minnesota, I participate in continuing education to keep my state licensure and registration up-to-date.
Next Steps…
To request a consulation please email me at : [email protected] Send Me an Email