How do we contact you?

To schedule a phone consultation, therapy session or other services, please contact me at my email address [email protected].

What is your rate for services?

My charge is $100 per hour. I do not take insurance.

Are you licensed?

Yes. As an occupational therapist in the state of Minnesota, I participate in continuing education to keep my state licensure and registration up-to-date.

Why should I come to you for therapy?

What makes me different is that I can provide a one-time consultation for you to bridge the gap between your questions and intervention. I can guide you along the process of what medical advice you should seek, what types of therapy you should seek, and what the underlying issues are for you.

Where do you conduct Sleep Consultations?

Typically sleep consultations will be over the phone or in person. After a 1-hour sleep consultation, you will have a daily schedule, know the average length of sleep per age of the child, and know what activities to do during the day to help your child sleep better at night. after a week of following my suggestions, we follow up with another hour’s consultation. Usually, these two hours of consultation are enough if a child has typical development.

What sets you apart from other Therapists?

It’s my knowledge base from all of my experiences that also allow me to see the big picture. I can help you navigate the school system or the outpatient setting if that’s where you choose to go. I believe my therapy is different because I work with the family dynamics of the person with needs. When I treat children, parents are the most important part. If we can work together to make changes on a daily basis that’s where we see true results. I can advocate and consult with the school teacher or work with families who have shared custody of their child.

In a school district, the child will only qualify for Occupational therapy services if he/she falls beneath the 2nd percentile. In an outpatient setting, many hours are used for assessment for an individual’s treatment. These are all wonderful resources. I look to bridge the gap and directly work with families and caregivers. Often, I’m able to provide specialized treatment techniques that are not available at other locations.

Lastly, the biggest difference I hope is my connection to your child and to your family. I will be dedicated to helping you and your quality of life.

How do we set up a Home Program?

To set up a home program with sensory integration therapy and other developmental techniques, usually, we meet in my clinic or your home. Depending on your child’s needs, we can meet one time or once a week for a couple of months. After carrying out prescribed therapy techniques, there’s usually a follow up within 6 months to a year.